HDF was rewarded a Research and Development project

HDF was rewarded a Research and Development project from Regione Lombardia of 1.995k€

HDF has been rewarded a Research and Development project from Regione Lombardia of 1.995k€. HDF as Group Leader of the team made with CLR (Chiuro) and CNR (IPCB and INSEAN) were rewarded a Research and Development project of 1.995k€ as part of the project “Programma Operativo Regionale (POR) 2014-2020 di Regione Lombardia a valere sul Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale (FESR)”.

The R&D project is an important achievement for HDF that allows among other advantage, to strengthen technical relationship with CNR, the largest research institution in Italy, to boost HDF products to a higher level of innovation and competitiveness in terms of efficiency and quality.

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